Welcome to our Garden Club! Our aims are:
To stimulate a knowledge and love of gardening
To aid in protection and conservation of all natural resources, native plants, and birds
To encourage civic planning, planting, and the improvement of roadsides and parks
To preserve and protect the Emma Sears Marsh wildflower paintings
To provide Wekiva Youth Camp "camperships" to Lake County 3rd - 8th grade students
Join us April 8th to learn how a college project became a way to help gardeners GROW! Learn how Wriggle Brew organic fertilizer includes everything a plant needs to grow better than a synthetic fertilizer, while improving soil health and preventing infestations from founder, Sam Baker.
Blair Park Workday! https://youtu.be/S_V1m1Z5tms
What to do in the garden for MARCH (find more here)
Our Club is up to 60 members!!!
March reminders for gardening. Courtesy of the St John's UF/IFAS Ext. Garden Calendar
We use Collapsible Groups on some of our pages. To see the text, click the down arrow next to the Header